TryHackMe — Jr Penetration Tester — Vulnerability Research

Deepak Kushwah
4 min readOct 30, 2021


Room 1 — Vulnerabilities 101

Task 1 Introduction

Read only task!!

Task 2 Introduction to Vulnerabilities

Answer the questions below

Q 1. An attacker has been able to upgrade the permissions of their system account from “user” to “administrator”. What type of vulnerability is this?

Ans. Operating System

Q 2. You manage to bypass a login panel using cookies to authenticate. What type of vulnerability is this?

Ans. Application Logic

Task 3 Scoring Vulnerabilities (CVSS & VPR)

Answer the questions below

Q 1. What year was the first iteration of CVSS published?

Ans. 2005

Q 2. If you wanted to assess vulnerability based on the risk it poses to an organisation, what framework would you use?

Ans. VPR

Note: We are looking for the acronym here.

Q 3. If you wanted to use a framework that was free and open-source, what framework would that be?

Note: We are looking for the acronym here.


Task 4 Vulnerability Databases

Answer the questions below

Q 1. Using NVD, how many CVEs were submitted in July 2021?

Ans. 1585

Q 2. Who is the author of Exploit-DB?

Ans. Offensive Security

Task 5 An Example of Finding a Vulnerability

Answer the questions below

Q 1. What type of vulnerability did we use to find the name and version of the application in this example?

Ans. Version Disclosure

Task 6 Showcase: Exploiting Ackme’s Application

Answer the questions below

Q 1. Follow along with the showcase of exploiting ACKme’s application to the end to retrieve a flag. What is this flag?


Task 7 Conclusion

Read only Task !!

Room -2 Exploit Vulnerabilities

Task 1 Introduction

Read only task !!

Task 2 Automated Vs. Manual Vulnerability Research

Answer the questions below

Q 1. You are working close to a deadline for your penetration test and need to scan a web application quickly. Would you use an automated scanner? (Yay/Nay)

Ans. Yay

Q 2. You are testing a web application and find that you are able to input and retrieve data in a database. What vulnerability is this?

Ans. Injection

Q 3. You manage to impersonate another user. What vulnerability is this?

Ans. Broken Access Control

Task 3 Finding Manual Exploits

Answer the questions below

Q 1. What website would you use as a security researcher if you wanted to upload a Proof of Concept?

Ans. github

Q 2. You are performing a penetration test at a site with no internet connection. What tool could you use to find exploits to use?

Ans. Searchsploit

Task 4 Example of Manual Exploitation

Answer the questions below

Q 1. What type of vulnerability was used in this attack?

Ans. remote code execution

Task 5 Practical: Manual Exploitation

Answer the questions below

Q 1. Find out the version of the application that is running. What are the name and version number of the application?

Ans. Online Book Store v1.0

Q 2. Now use the resources and skills from this module to find an exploit that will allow you to gain remote access to the vulnerable machine.

Ans. read only ques!!

Q 3. Use this exploit against the vulnerable machine. What is the value of the flag located in a web directory?


We can found the exploit at

Room 3 — Vulnerability Capstone

Task 1 — Introduction

Read only task !!

Task 2 Exploit the Machine (Flag Submission)

Answer the questions below

Deploy the vulnerable machine attached to this task & wait five minutes before visiting the vulnerable machine.

Q 1. What is the name of the application running on the vulnerable machine?

Ans. Fuel CMS

Q 2. What is the version number of this application?

Ans. Version 1.4

Q 3. What is the number of the CVE that allows an attacker to remotely execute code on this application? Format: CVE-XXXX-XXXXX

Ans. CVE-2018–16763

Q 4. Use the resources & skills learnt throughout this module to find and use a relevant exploit to exploit this vulnerability.

Ans. read only

Note: There are numerous exploits out there that can be used for this vulnerability (some more useful than others!)

Q 5. What is the value of the flag located on this vulnerable machine? This is located in /home/ubuntu on the vulnerable machine.


go to — usr/share/exploits/vulnerabilitiescapstone and run

$ python3 victim_IP/target_IP

then run netcat listener and get reverse shell



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